March 25, 2005

Set up your own tasting session

A whisky tasting is easy to organise. Don't take it to seriously - it's meant to be fun, but follow the 6 steps below to be able to distinguish between different whiskies.
What you need is
A) a range of whiskies (e.g. Ballantine's family, various single malt whiskies, Jack Daniel's against bourbon whiskies, etc.)
B) sampling glasses (preferably stem glasses, than whisky tumblers)
C) water, and bread or biscuits to cleanse the palate.

Step 1
Pour about 2cl whisky into a glass.
Step 2
Check to colour by holding the glass up to the light. This can tell you a lot about its taste and character. The colour may vary from very pale to a rich caramel brown, depending on how long and what kind of casks was the whisky stored in.
Step 3
Check out the 'nose' (aroma) of the whisky. This tells you about its flavour as 80% of what you taste is actually through the nose.
Step 4
Now add the same amount of water to your whisky and nose again. You should feel a real difference, more intense aromas then before.
Step 5
Take a sip of the whisky and look for the following: the body (texture), the palate (flavour), the finish (aftertaste).
Step 6
Have a drink of water and some bread or biscuits to cleanse your palate before trying the next whisky.

A whisky kostolast igen konnyu megszervezni. Nem kell tul komolyra venni, konnyeden sokkal elvezetesebb. Segit a whiskyk megkulonbozteteseben, ha koveted az alabbi 6 lepest.
Amire szukseged lesz:
A) kulonbozo whiskykre (pl. Ballantine's whisky csalad, kulonbozo malata whiskyk, Jack Daniel's es bourbon whiskeyk kozti kulonbseg, stb.)
B) kostolo/kostoltato pohar (a konyakos pohar jobb e celra mint az ugynevezett whiskys pohar)
C) viz, kenyer vagy teasutemeny az izek semlegesitesehez.

1. lepes
Tolts ki kb. 2 cl whiskyt egy poharba.
2. lepes
A feny fele tartva vizsgald meg az ital szinet. A szin rengeteget elarul a whisky karaktererol. A whisky szine az egeszen sapadtol a mely karamell barnaig terjedhet, attol fuggoen, hogy milyen hordoban erlelodott es mennyi ideig.
3. lepes
"Szagolj bele" a whiskybe, vizsgald meg az illatat. Az ital izenek, aromajanak 80%-a a szaglas segitsegevel azonosithato.
4. lepes
Most toltsd fel a whiskydet ugyanannyi vizzel es ellenorizd hogyan valtozik az illata. Az illata, aromaja sokkal intenzivebbe valik.
5. lepes
Kostolj meg egy kortyot a whiskybol es vizsgald meg a kovetkezoket: testesseg (az ital texturaja), aroma (az ital ize), lecsenges (milyen hosszu es intenziv az utoize).
6. lepes
Igyal egy korty vizet es egyel egy falat kenyeret vagy teasutemenyt, hogy semlegesitsd az izeket, mielott nekikezdesz a kovetkezo whisky kostolasanak.


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