February 09, 2005

Jack Daniel's Master Distiller in Hungary

Jimmy Bedford, Jack Daniel's Master Distiller, spent the past two days in Hungary holding several tasting sessions about the world of Jack Daniel's. We've put together a very busy program with tastings to press, bartenders, VIPs and interviews to TV channels, radio, web, press, and so on. He's a great guy: hard worker, no complains. Typical American, a pro, perfectly fits to Jack. I've spent a lot of time with him, and learnt much about the "Tenessee/Lynchburg way" of whiskey making. I envy his job a bit, however I wouldn't be able to travel so much and deal with the same questions every hour. It's also better to drink various whiskeys rather than stick to only 'the one' as he do.

Jimmy Bedford, a Jack Daniel's Whiskey Mestere, az elmult ket napon szamos whiskey kostoltatot tartott Budapesten. Elegge suru programot sikerult szerveznunk neki: bemutatokkal a sajtonak, barmixereknek, 'fontos embereknek', illetve TV, radio, sajto es web interjukkal. Jimmy nagyszeru ficko. Kemenyen dolgozott, jol lefarasztottuk, de nem panaszkodott. Amugy tipikus amerikai, egy profi, aki tokeletesen illik a Jack Daniel's-hez. Szinte vegig kisertem a ket napon, igy rengeteget tanultam a whiskey keszitesrol, ahogy Tenesseeben/Lynchburgben csinaljak. Egy kicsit irigylem az "alomallasat", bar nem lennek kepes ennyit utazni es minden oraban megvalaszolni ugyanazokat a kerdeseket. Amugyis szerintem sokkal jobb tobb fajta whiskey kozott valogatni, mint folyton ugyanahhoz az egy markahoz ragaszkodni (ahogy o teszi).


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